GoHealth VMO is now GoPartner Solutions

GoHealth Employees, We are pleased to announce the rebranding and transformation of our VMO (Virtual Marketing Organization) partner channel into GoPartner Solutions (GPS). This strategic initiative was carefully designed with a clear vision in mind: to foster sustainable partner growth...

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Medicare Supplement Market Exit

Empire BlueCross BlueShield (Empire) will no longer accept new members in its Medicare Supplement (Med Supp) Plans in New York (NY) beginning with July 1, 2023 effective dates. Members currently enrolled in an Empire Med Supp plan may keep their...

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Compliance Attestation Launch

The GoHealth Q1 & Q2 2023 compliance attestation has launched today, 2/2/2023. All agents will have until 4/3/2023 to complete this attestation. Failure to complete the attestation by the completion date of 4/3/2023 will result in action to your appointment,...

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NY AB 8319 – Do Not Call List Update

An update to New York law was adopted in December 2022 requiring telemarketers to offer the option to be automatically added to the seller’s entity specific do-not-call list at the beginning of each outbound sales call to customers located in...

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Maryland Amerigroup Termination Notification

Although you may have an active appointment to sell Amerigroup Medicare plans in the state of Maryland, Amerigroup does not offer any Medicare plans in Maryland. As a result, Amerigroup is required to terminate your Maryland appointment. This only impacts...

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