Updated GoHealth Commission Processing Guidelines – Effective 4/1/2020

Please CLICK HERE to download the updated Commission Processing Guidelines (“CPG”). The guidelines are also available on the VMO WEBSITE under the ‘Commissions’ section.

Updates of note include the following:

  • Escrow – GoHealth has provided an updated outline of escrow collection and release related to carriers who provide new business advances.
  • Advances – GoHealth has updated carrier advance information for several carriers and products.
  • New Carriers – Information regarding Cigna HealthSpring & Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Medicare Advantage.
  • Carrier Specific Items – There have been updates to the Carrier Specific section of the CPG; please refer to each respective carrier section for related updates.

The items above, as well as all updates reflected in the new Commission Processing Guidelines, will become effective on April 1, 2020.

Please contact your GoHealth VMO Manager with any questions.

This is neither legal nor accounting advice. If you have questions, please consult a lawyer or accountant. The information included in this post was provided by the entity referenced herein.

Filed under: Commissions