Cigna: Great news! CHS remains in network in AZ

After productive negotiations with Community Health Systems (CHS) in Arizona, Cigna is happy to announce that they will remain in the Cigna Medicare Advantage network.

With the contractual agreement reached, they are happy to share that there was no disruption in access to services with CHS. Customers can continue to use their CHS providers.

In anticipation of the potential termination, customers were assigned a new in-network Primary Care Physician (PCP). Now that CHS remains in network, customers may return to their original CHS PCP if desired.

Outbound calls are currently being made to customers to inform them that CHS remains in network. During this call, customers can make a selection to return to their previous PCP. They can also call the Cigna Healthcare Medicare customer service line at 1-800-668-3813.

If you have any questions, please reach out to your local Broker Managers. As a reminder, you can always search the Cigna online provider directory to view the most up-to-date provider listing in your market.

Thank you for your partnership!


This is neither legal nor accounting advice. If you have questions, please consult a lawyer or accountant. The information included in this post was provided by the entity referenced herein.

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